#Sako riihimaki serial numbers plus
Action: Turning-bolt Mannlicher action, locked by 2 rotating lugs on the bolt body into the receiver plus by the bolt handle.The Italians also made a turn-bolt version in 6.5mm, the Italian. Many of the great big game hunters of the early 20th century touted this gun, known in the west as the famous 256 Mannlicher.Wertgarner 1820 Jagd & SporthandelsgmbH Dr.After the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Hungarian army was armed primarily with Steyr M95 straight-pull rifles and carbines, chambered in the 8.The M43 was produced at the Steyr engine plant The M43 powered base-model cars, while higher performance models at the time were powered by the BMW M42 and BMW M44 DOHC engines. The BMW M43 is an SOHC four-cylinder petrol engine which was produced from 1991-2002.The rifle was modified in 1940 for production to German specifications as the Gewehr 98/40 (including conversion to 8×57 rimless ammunition and a stripper-clip-fed box magazine) In 1935 they adopted a new Mannlicher turnbolt rifle, the 35M, which used the same 8x56R ammunition and en bloc clips.The 43M is a decendant of the pre war Hungarian Mannlicher 35M adopted in 1935 in 8x56, in 1940 the Germans modified the rifle to use the 8mm Mauser round & mauser clip instead of the Mannlicher clip, it also used a German bayonet attachment & German style sling attachments, this rifle was known as the GEW98/40, in 1943 the Hungarians in turn modified the 98/40 by returning to the Hungarian. A módosítások érintették a csövet (teljes csőcsere), a dugattyúgomb.

ismétlőpuska felhasználásával, módosításával. A tengelyhatalmak töltényegységesítési igényeinek megfelelően lett kifejlesztve a magyar 35 M. ismétlőpuska magyar-német fejlesztésű forgó-tolózáras (forgódugattyús) ismétlőpuska, amely a német 7,92×57 mm Mauser töltényt tüzeli.